Studies show when a birthing person feels relaxed, safe and supported through childbirth there is a:
- 50% reduction in cesarean rate
- 25% shorter labor
- 60% reduction in epidural requests
- 40% reduction in Pitocin use
- 30% reduction in analgesia use
- 40% reduction in forceps delivery
HypnoBirthing® moms have:
- Fewer cases of pre-eclampsia/ dehydration
- Fewer interventions and surgical births
- Decreased use of oxytocics or AROM
- Shorter first and second-phase labor
- Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies
- Lessened or eliminated need for analgesia
- Happier and content mothers and babies
- Babies alert; able to nurse almost immediately
- No cases of post-partum depression reported
- Infants with higher than average APGAR scores